Unité Mixte de Recherche 6538
UMR in brief
What we do
Ongoing expeditions
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Science for all
UMR in brief
What we do
Join us
UMR in brief
What we do
Ongoing expeditions
Join us
Science for all
Ongoing expeditions
Campagnes océanographiques
Haïti-TWIST expedition
Welcome to the blog of the HERMINE2 expedition
Campagne Manta-RAy
La campagne FocusX2 tout en images !
Les blogs de nos précédentes campagnes
Les blogs de nos précédentes campagnes
GeoFLAMME : donnons encore plus de SENS* à notre mission
Partir sur la mission océanographique MAYOBS15
La campagne océanographique CHUBACARC ... presque en directe !
Welcome to the SYPOCO expedition blog
Welcome to the blog of the HERMINE Cruise
Welcome to the blog of the HERMINE Cruise
News from the shipboard
Exploration tools
On-board experiences
Hydrothermal plumes
Massive sulphide seafloor mineralization
Mystery photos - HERMINE expedition
News from the shipboard
Thursday 27th April : The end!
Sunday 23th April: day trip at 3500 metre under sea surface
Friday 21st April : Moorings
Thursday 20th April: Bamidele interview
Sunday 16th April : Restaurant *** Le Pourquoi pas ?
Wednesday 12nd April : a continuous culture experiment
Monday 10th April : it's Agathe's turn!
Sunday 09th April: labour zul !
Thursday 6th April : a routine day!
Tuesday 4th April : the treasure of the dive 7
Monday 3rd April : it is Aurélien's turn!
Saturday 1st April : don't eat it !
Friday 31st March : 1 ton of rocks later ...
Thursday 30th March : the first time (one more) ... !
Monday 28th March : Pourquoi Pas ? and Atalante
Monday 27th March 2017 : the first time ...
Saturday 25th March : Shrimps and Co.
Thursday 23rd March 2017 : First exploration dive
Tuesday 21st March 2017 : First operations
Monday 20th March 2017 : Departure and transit
Saturday 18th March 2017
Saturday 1st April : don't eat it !
Saturday 1st April : don't eat it !